Slang angielski ogólny

W niniejszym dziale prezentujemy angielski slang ogólny, czyli słownik slangu (autorstwa Zbigniewa Parzycha, któremu serdecznie dziękujemy za udostępnienie materiału). UWAGA - by opanować slang angielski trzeba spędzić trochę czasu w otoczeniu osób faktycznie go używających, nie ma sensu wykuwanie podanych niżej definicji na pamięć. Przedstawiony slang angielski na podanych zwrotach może natomiast służyć lepszemu zrozumieniu poszczególnych wypowiedzi, piosenek, itp., stanowi zatem przede wszystkim bierną pomoc naukową.

Get away!
get down
get down
get down
get down on someone
get down to the nitty-gritty
get face
get going
get hitched
get hot
get hot
get in bad (with someone)
get into something
get it
get it
get it (all) together
get it in the neck
get it of
get it on
get it on
get it on
get it on
get it out
get it up
get lip
get lip
Get lost!
get mad (at something)
Get my drift?
get naked
get nowhere fast
get off
get off (on something)
get off one's rear
get off someone's back/case
get off the dime
get on someone's case
get on the stick
get one's act together
get one's act together
get one's bowel up in an uproar
get one's kicks (from someone or something)
get one's lumps
get one's nose out of joint
get one's rocks off (on something)
get one's shit together
get one's shit together
get one's stuff together
get one's stuff together
get one's teeth into something
get one's ticket punched
Get out of my face!
Get out of town!
Get real!
get smart (with someone)
get some shut-eye
get someone going
get someone's goat
get someone's motor running
get someone's motor running
get something across/ over (to someone)
get something going (with someone)
get the drop on someone
get the drop on someone
get the goods on someone
Get the hell out (of here)!
Get the lead out (of your ass)!
Get the message/ picture?
get the nod
get the sack/ ax
get the show on the road
get to someone
get to someone
get with it
get with someone
ghetto blaster
ghetto box
Giddy up!
gift of gab
giggle goo
girlie magazine
girlie show
Give (me) some skin!
Give it a rest!
give it the gun
Give it up!
Give me a break!
Give me a rest!
Give me five!
give someone a (good) talking to

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