Over the Hedge

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday June 30, 2006
The Guardian

The spoilt and wasteful American consumer is satirised in this patchy animated comedy from DreamWorks. A bunch of woodland creatures emerge from their hibernation one morning to find most of the forest has been razed to create an executive-style housing estate for humans, and the animals have been left with a miserable little ghetto bounded by a vast hedge. Their leader, a hapless turtle called Verne (voiced by Garry Shandling), is uncertain as to what to do, until the animals chance upon savvy raccoon RJ (Bruce Willis), who shows them how to thieve and scavenge from the humans' houses and bins, and tries to persuade them that their artificially-flavoured snacks are much tastier than boring old natural food anyway. RJ has an ulterior motive for this, however, which has to be laboriously established in a cumbersome and initially baffling opening sequence. Once that is out of the way, there's a moderate amount of fun to be had. DreamWorks have not, as they say, brought their A-game to this film.

artificially-flavoured- sztucznie aromatyzowany
baffling- zaskakujący
bound- ograniczać
bunch- paczka, grupa
cumbersome- nieporęczny, niewygodny
emerge from- wyłaniać się, wynurzać się
establish- ustanawiać
executive- kierowniczy
hapless- nieszczęsny
hedge- żywopłot; zabezpieczenie
housing estate- osiedle budowlane
initially- początkowo
laboriously- mozolnie
miserable- nieszczęśliwy; żałosny
patchy- nierówny
raccoon- szop pracz
raze- zburzyć
savvy- zdrowy rozsądek; zdroworozsądkowy
scavenge- grzebać w odpadkach, wygrzebywać ze śmieci
sequence- sekwencja
thieve- podkradac
ulterior- ukryty
vast- ogromny, rozległy, kolosalny
wasteful- marnotrawny, rozrzutny


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